It has been a rare thing for me too cook these last few months. Pressures of being a carer and my own illnesses have taken the pleasure out of cooking. Yesterday, for the first time in months I actually had an urge to cook. Not just any meal from my repertoire but something new. Ok, these were easy dishes but they were something new for me!
spicy bean stew/soup |
First up was a quick and easy spicy stew/soup. Its somewhere between the two and tasted great. I just chucked all the ingredients in a casserole dish and cooked it in the oven.
shakshuka |
Another spicy dish for a Sunday, shakshuka. This doesn't look anywhere near as good as the recipe
found here yet it still tasted great. So good the boy ate his portion then took that last of the crusty rolls to clear out the entire pan. This dish has been added to the "must make again" list with the boys insistence.
white chocolate buttons with poppy seed and craberry |
I rustled up a quick treat. giant white chocolate buttons with poppy seeds and dried cranberries. These are nearly all gone!
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