Saturday, 22 September 2012


Yes, I'm uttering that dreaded word. The one that has slowly been creeping into hushed conversations and dark corners of the supermarkets since early September.

As a single parent of one and tight budget I have to think about these things early. Im grateful the boy is still young enough to not want the expensive gadgets his friends seem to want. He has no obsessions the other boys in his class do and I can get away with so much! This year has been easier. hand knitted hat, a new scarf and some DVDs. I plan to buy him a new scooter and a helmet. His current ones are getting too small and he does use it on the way to school everyday.

I've put aside a box and started adding food, jars of chutney and jam I've made specifically for that month! Chocolates and biscuits were added last week when finding them on offer and Ive replenished the store cupboard with a lot of extras should the weather get bad enough or I get too sick to go out. last year I fell ill with 3 chest infections and barely had the energy to take the boy to school. this year im going to be prepared!

The usual autumn preserving is carrying on with jars collected from friends and neighbours. Blackberry vodka has been bottled and labeled ready for winter celebrations (i'll post the recipe as soon as i get a spare moment) sloe gin is still in the cupboard I hope to bottle it soon.

We are picking the last of the blackberries, making use of haws, rowan and sloes for a fantastic hedgerow jelly and already putting plans in place for next spring. With new, deeper raised beds and a new patch for the strawberries.

I'll be making a start on christmas cards soon getting the boy on board to help. Thankfully this year I dont have many to send! Then new decorations - last year a lot were damaged when the loft had to be quickly emptied in early spring.

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